Works Cited
"Biography of Amy Tan." DIScovering Authors Modules. 1998. GaleNet.
"Criticism, Amy Tan" DIScovering Authors, Gale Research Inc, 1996.
Feng, Pin-Chia. "Amy Tan." in Reference Guide to American Literature, 3rd edition. St. James Press, 1994. pp 821-822 (on GaleNet)
Gates, David, "A Game of Show Not Tell." Newsweek, Vol. 113, no16, April17, 1989, pg69.(on GaleNet)
Painter, Charlotte. "In Search of A Voice," San Francisco Review of Books, Summer 1989, pp 15-17.(on GaleNet)
Solomon, Charles. "Kitchen God's Wife," Los Angeles Times Book Review. July 5, 1992, p.10.(On GaleNet)
Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. New York: Ballantine Books, 1989.
Tan, Amy. The Kitchen God's Wife. New York: Ballantine Books, 1991.
Yglesias, Helen. "The Kitchen God's Wife." The Women's Review of Books. September 1991, pp 1, 3-4 (On GaleNet)
Angier, Carole. "Chinese Customs." in New Statesman &Society. June 30, 1989, pg 35.(on GaleNet)
Buck, Claire. "Amy Tan." The Bloomsbury Guide to Womens Literature. Pg1065 Great Britian: Bloomsbury Publishing, 1992.
Cheng, Scarlet. "Amy Tan Redux." Belles Letters. Fall, 1991, pp 15, 19.(on GaleNet)
Davidson, Cathy N. and Linda Wagner-Matlin. "Amy Tan." The Oxford Companion to Womens Writing in the United States. Pg 869. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Graham, Judith. "Amy Tan." Current Biography Yearbook. pg559 New York: H.W. Wilson Company, 1992.
See, Carolyn. "Drowning in America, Starving for China." in Los Angeles Times Book Review. March 12, 1989, pp1, 11.(on GaleNet)
Shear, Walter. "Generational Differences and the Diaspora in The Joy Luck Club." in <>Critique. Volume 34, No3, Spring 1993 pp 193-99.(on GaleNet)
Willard, Nancy. "Tiger Spirits." in The Women's Review of Books. Vol.6, Nos. 10-11, July 1989, pg12.(on GaleNet)
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